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How can I amend my personal information?
Updated over 7 months ago

You can change some of the information in your account by clicking on ‘My Account’, the top right icon when you log in. From here you can amend your:

  • Personal details: name, phone number, email and password

  • Financial details: address, employment, financial information (eg. salary)

  • Connected bank accounts

  • Preferences for push notifications and email notifications

If your date of birth is incorrect, you'll need to contact us by emailing [email protected] with your name, postcode, current date of birth and correct date of birth.

Any changes to your details may impact our ability to provide you with your credit report and/or Borrowing Power as we use your account information to assess your score. However, this is usually only temporary. When updating your address, you should ensure to update both your previous and current addresses to help avoid any issues.

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