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What are my rights under GDPR?
Updated over 5 months ago

Like all companies adhering to GDPR laws, when using TotallyMoney you have the right to contact us by any means and make requests regarding your data.

In total, there are 8 GDPR rights:

  1. Right to be Informed

  2. Right to Access

  3. Right to Rectification

  4. Right to Erasure

  5. Right to Restrict Processing

  6. Right to Data Portability

  7. Right to Object

  8. Rights related to automated decision-making including profiling.

Getting to grips with all of these can be tricky and (if we’re honest) it’s not the most riveting reading material. To help out, we’ve summarised the GDPR rights that are most applicable to TotallyMoney and our customers

Right to Access

Also known as a ‘subject access request’ (SAR). As a customer you can make a SAR and view all the personal information TotallyMoney holds on you. Before we provide a copy of your information, we’ll need proof of your identity. This is so we know we’re giving your data to you and you alone, and it’s not a third party trying their (very fraudulent) luck.

Right to Erasure

A customer’s Right to Erasure (or the ominous sounding, ‘the right to be forgotten’) is a request that your personal data is erased. We can do this — no problem — but it means we’ll close your account. Without certain personal data we can’t deliver our services. And if we can’t deliver our services, we become pretty useless to you. Once you’ve requested your Right to Erasure we’ll comply, but can’t immediately delete everything. Some information associated to your TotallyMoney account must be kept for a limited period, due to legal and regulatory purposes

Right to Portability

This one is pretty neat, because it could save you time. The Right to Portability lets customers transfer data easily from one system to another. It’s safe and secure and doesn’t impact the data’s credibility. You can request a copy of any personal data that you have provided to TotallyMoney in a re-usable format.

Right to Rectification

If you need to change your date of birth or the email address on your account, you need to use the Right to Rectification. This lets you correct or change any personal data we hold on you that’s wrong or out of date.

If you need to use any of these rights, drop us an email: [email protected]

Please note that, in compliance with GDPR, we’ll require further information to verify your identity before we can move ahead and process your GDPR request.

Want more information about how we handle and process customer data? Take a read of our Privacy Notice.

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